Many senior executives in Australia are overworked and exhausted because they’re trying to do too much and control everything and everyone.
They are convinced they need to work harder and longer to keep getting promoted or to land more senior roles.
The reality is this attitude costs them, and their business time, money and staff. What they really need to learn is how to delegate.
In my experience, it’s the one skill that is most lacking among executives and it holds them back from running a better business and building a better career. Executives who fail to delegate can also find it harder to retain staff, who quickly become demoralised.
The art of delegation can be learnt, and it must be if you want to be a successful executive.
It’s as simple as following these four rules:
Trust yourself, trust your staff
Delegation is all about trust. Some executives don’t fully trust their team. What that usually means is that they don’t trust their own judgment.
They may see themselves as committed and hardworking executives, but others probably see them as a power freak, a micro-manager, and maybe even a bully.
Understand and accept that you cannot be in control all the time and back your team and their capabilities. Step back and let them do their jobs. Avoid micro-managing habits such as daily check-ins and remember to acknowledge and praise their efforts.
Resist the temptation to call meetings every few days simply to get work in progress reports from staff, but make it clear that your door is open should the team have any unresolved concerns and questions. If you need to provide feedback and ideas for improvements, make sure your management style is conversational and collaborative.
Assign responsibilities, not tasks
Most executives are good at delegating jobs, but many do not empower their staff to take responsibility. They create a situation where even their managers wait to be told what to do, rather than encourage them to use their initiative to come up with their own ideas and solutions.
If you are a CFO who has to deliver a report to the board by an agreed date, start early by carving up key components of the report and assigning responsibility for each to the most capable and suitably qualified members of your team. Give them clear instructions on what is expected and set a deadline that is earlier than your own deadline to give yourself adequate time to review their work and ensure that ultimately you – the most senior person involved - delivers what’s required on time.
One of the biggest barriers to being an efficient delegator is a fear that staff will make mistakes.
Mentoring is another way to delegate responsibility. If a member of your team is excelling at their role, don’t just pile more work onto them. Empower them by assigning them the responsibility to mentor a junior or new staff member and report to you every few months.
It’s a responsibility that has multiple benefits. It empowers and builds confidence in the person who is doing the mentoring, provides support to the mentee and allows you to focus on the bigger picture.
Build morale
As an executive, one of your key responsibilities is to build and maintain morale in your team and ensure staff want to continue to work for you long-term. Delegating some of this responsibility helps create a confident and enthusiastic team and a culture in which staff feel valued, their ideas are listened to and they are given opportunities to improve and develop their skillset.
Why not give a staff member or a team an ongoing project they can own? Perhaps they could keep an eye on a competitor’s products or service, report their findings to you monthly or quarterly and come up with their own ideas for your next launch.
Team morale can also be fostered through activities that are not specifically work-related.
Allow staff to workshop and organise social activities that the entire group can participate in and benefit from.
Solutions not problems
One of the biggest barriers to being an efficient delegator is a fear that staff will make mistakes and the executive will have to wear the blame. Staff should be encouraged to deal with problems by finding their own solutions, as well as be given the opportunity to learn from errors.
If a staff member comes to you with a problem about a client that they are responsible for, avoid the impulse to instantly fix the issue. Instead, ask them what they think the best course of action is. Question them about what action they have taken to find a solution. Have they brainstormed a solution with others working on the account and has anyone contacted the client to speak with them directly before running straight to your office?
Asking your team to document issues as they arise and the solutions that were ultimately used to solve them, provides them with a road map for when similar problems arise in the future and means that you will not be brought in on every minor concern or issue.
To assess if you’re a good delegator and efficient manager, you have to ask yourself some hard questions.
How do I manage my managers? How and when do I delegate work to my team? Do my team come to me with more problems or solutions? How often do I check in with my team?
When something goes wrong, do I blame myself or my staff? How would my current team describe my management style?
My advice is to be open and honest with yourself and learn to delegate efficiently for your own and your team’s sake.
Richard Elstone is the Director and Founder of Executive Interview Coaching and a Partner with executive search firm Amrop Carmichael Fisher.